Our Process

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Locally Sourced

We source fabric and textiles from local markets and suppliers who either supply deadlock fabrics from European manufacturers or from small batch textile makers within the region. We are always interested in connecting with small-scale local makers who make handmade, unique and vintage fabrics.

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Design Inspiration

Our creative team has extensive practice in art-making and various art practices. We experiment with design in traditional yet modern and playful ways. Inspiration is drawn from visual references of motifs and designs that are either lost or no longer accessible. Our initial collection of prints are inspired by Syrian homes and daily life visuals. 

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Hand Printed

We use silk screen paints to hand print on textiles using our in-house carved wooden blocks. Prints range from geometric shapes to graphic elements and traditional floral designs.

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Hand Carved

Our in-house carver and printer Fadi hand carves locally sourced wood. The wood is intricately shaped into various block prints. The studio also offers training workshops to teach carving and printmaking as a way to instill craft techniques within the community.

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All Natural

All of our fabrics are made from natural or organic fibers. We natural dye fabric using Maiwa natural dyes as well as local food waste including onions, avocados and beetroots.